Digital Communications

United Methodists Joséphine Kingombe and Masudi Kansilembo read messages sent to their phones by pastors in Bukavu, Congo. Church leaders are sending support to help the faithful during growing insecurity in the region. Photo by Philippe Kituka Lolonga, UM News.

United Methodists stay connected amid Congo conflict

With churches shuttered due to insecurity in the region, United Methodist leaders are using social networks to continue evangelism and deliver messages of hope.
Social Concerns
Munashe Bhero checks on the solar system he installed at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Harare, Zimbabwe. Bhero attends a different United Methodist church but got the job through the church’s WhatsApp business group, which connects church members around the region. Photo by Priscilla Muzerengwa, UM News.

Church WhatsApp group fosters business collaboration

United Methodists use social media tool to promote each other’s companies and services and offer other support.
Faith Sharing
José Martinho Salote, a content producer for Radio Kairos in Angola, speaks at the United Methodist Radio Network’s annual meeting held June 19-21 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The network voted to rebrand as the United Methodist Broadcast Network to represent new technologies like web streaming and social media. Photo by Priscilla Muzerengwa, UM News.

Radio network transforms to reach more people

United Methodist Radio Network rebrands to United Methodist Broadcast Network to embrace new digital technologies.
Local Church
The Harbor is an online faith community for anyone finding themselves without a church home—whether that's because of turmoil, timing, life changes, health challenges, or displacement.

Online-only church plant launches

A new journey has begun in the North Georgia Conference with The Harbor United Methodist Church, the conference’s first online-only church start. The faith community is for anyone finding themselves without a church home. Preachers will vary each week, allowing worshippers to hear from a variety of North Georgia Conference voices.

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